Three-Instrument Musician from Fairhope Named 2024 校董会 Scholar


诺亚搁浅船受浪摇摆, the 2024-25 十大玩彩信誉平台 校董会 Scholar, 在莱德劳的舞台上用低音提琴演奏, 法国号, 和美乐号. data-lightbox =“特色”
诺亚搁浅船受浪摇摆, the 2024-25 十大玩彩信誉平台 校董会 Scholar, is majoring 主修生物医学,辅修音乐. 他在美国演奏低音提琴 String Ensemble, 法国号 in the USA Wind Ensemble 和美乐号 in the Jaguar 军乐队.

An interest in medicine and 音乐 brought 诺亚搁浅船受浪摇摆 to the 十大玩彩信誉平台, 他是今年的校董会学者吗.

The honor is bestowed upon an entering freshman with the highest academic achievement. Consider Sugg’s qualifications: A graduate of Fairhope High School, he arrived at 南方在ACT考试中得了36分,满分4分.平均绩点56分,全国优秀奖入围者 39 credit hours from International Baccalaureate and AP classes.

With plans to go to medical 学校, he is majoring in 生物医学科学. 早期的好奇心使他选修了辅修课程 音乐.   

Sugg, the oldest of three brothers, grew up in Madison, Mississippi, before moving with his family to Fairhope when he was in seventh 年级. 在生命的早期,几乎没有 four years old, he pointed to a double bass and told his parents, “I want to play 大的那个.”

He started out with a de-tuned cello because he was too short for the instrument he 真的很想玩. He added 法国号 in sixth 年级 和美乐号 in ninth 年级. Today, Sugg is a classically trained contrabass (also known as double bass or string bass) 音乐ian with 14 years of experience. 他在乐队演奏低音提琴 USA String Ensemble, 法国号 in the USA Wind Ensemble 和美乐号 in the Jaguar 军乐队.

He first became familiar with 南’s marching band at Fairhope High, where he played 在乐队呆了四年. The 学校’s band director, Meredyth Petersen, is married 博士. Will Petersen, 南’s director of bands, who led a few rehearsals at the high 学校.

十大玩彩信誉平台是他参观过的学院之一. “我更喜欢这里的演讲,”他说 说. “这里离家近,交通方便. 我也喜欢这个地区. 它也有医疗 学校, and I’m going into medicine, so that’s always a plus.“大学正在建设 新的弗雷德里克P. 惠登医学院 building, set to be completed in late 2026. 

Sugg also was impressed by the 荣誉学院 and its rigorous application process.

整个夏天,他都在跟随奥巴马医生. John Amburgy at 美国健康 University Hospital, where he had an opportunity to observe the neurosurgeon in the clinic, operating room and 在轮. “我喜欢在他手下工作,”他说. “我很高兴我找到了这个项目.”

The transition to college life has been “really smooth” so far, he 说. 他计划 to join a lot of clubs, but he’s waiting until the spring semester to do so because 游行乐队的时间表. “我们的第一次中场秀进行得非常顺利,”他说. “我真的很喜欢我们今年的音乐.”

In addition to band practice — five days per week for marching band, one day a week for String Ensemble and three days per week for Wind Ensemble — he tries to play each of his three instruments for at least 30 minutes a day.

When he does have free time, Sugg likes to go paintballing on Saturdays that aren’t 在汉考克惠特尼体育场的比赛日. 他还喜欢读书、划皮艇和攀岩 wall in the Student Recreation Center after band practice.

但学术永远是第一位的. 作为一个孩子,他只能玩游戏后,他是 完成了他的功课. He learned that “if you do it right the first time, 你不需要再做一次,”他说. “在那之后,这就是我做的事情. I 坚持自己的标准.”




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